The ants look for food and take it back to their anthill, dropping chemical along the way so their friends can find the food too.
- The green things are the plants that the ants eat. The darker the color, the more energy value the piece of plant has. The plants will spread to a certain predetermined size.
- The gray things are rocks which the ants have to find their way around
- Eventually you may see QueenAnts establishing new anthills.
- All ants are immature (cyan) for a time before they grow up and start collecting food.
- A certain amount of energy has to be collected for the nest to produce new ants
- All ants eventually die of old age.
- The chemical paths are reinforced by each ant that travels over them with food. The chemical paths are also deteriorating from the moment they are laid and will eventually disappear. The lighter the blue color of the paths, the stronger the chemical "scent".
- Ants can only sense the chemical paths laid down by ants from their anthill.
Known Bugs:
- For some reason some ants will freeze right around their nests. They eventually die. Not sure why this is.
- Every now and then an ant goes insane and wanders around aimlessly even if they are carrying food.